Tuesday, May 15, 2012

video project for SAIT


You are: 16 - 50
Looking for a web site developer/designer/twitter feed/facebook page on web development/web development blog
You average 6 - 24 hours on the internet a week
You are looking for original content/an original content creator.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Handling negative comments

When encountered by negative people/criticism online, remember that usually the bad will work better for you than good. Don't take things personally, and learn from any mistakes. Don't let the negative overpower everything.... realize that people can be a lot more harsh when hiding behind a computer screen. Don't let things like that discourage you. Keep creating quality content and listen to what people have to say! You can always improve. Don't stop posting!

How to engage with your audience

When it comes to building an audience online, and using social media to its full potential, you must remember these points to keep your audience satisfied and ready to keep coming back.

  • Entertain/Engage/Educate - Any or all of these will keep people coming back for more
  • Don't be a copy cat - Make sure you are posting your own original content
  • Don't ask for followers - These people will not generally stay interested in your content, as they may of only liked/followed you out of pity
  • Be yourself - Don't be afraid to allow people to get to know you. The personal link between you and your followers may be the vital link.

Plan to increase audience size

Tweet, follow people, post content. MAKE CONNECTIONS.
Share links, comment page name on FB, Follow back! INTERACT!
Updates, Updates, Updates!
make lots of awesome and interesting content!

Goals for JC Web Dev

Promote myself as a business & individual. Design and create web sites and projects for customers.
Use Google Analytics to see site traffic and promote site on twitter/other social media outlets. Build professional portfolio and acquire client base.


You - Need A Website/Web App/Service
I - Can help you design and develop that Website/Web App/Service

You - Will have a quality product that will be up to or beyond your expectations!
Expect a quality product because that is what you will receive.

Social Media Plan

Facebook LINK
Twitter LINK
LinkedIn LINK
Youtube LINK